Recent posts from: Turrialba 2 6-28-2024

The Final Blog Post!!!!

The time has come, folks, it’s the long-awaited departure blog. The post truly brings to reality the fact that our Global Glimpse experience is actually coming to an end. I’m sure for our readers the past two weeks have gone agonizingly slowly as...

Aid Development

!Pura vida! Hola! Today, Paris Higuera and Natalie Mendoza were the Leaders of the day. Today’s topic was Aid and Development. It was a very interesting topic to learn about, I am glad we got to learn about it! Today we had the duty of waking up all of the...

Return Flight Information: T2B-BAY

Hello, family and friends of the T2B-BAY Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the new return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to...

Community Action Project Day #3

Pura Vida to all! We began our day with a mental warmup different from many of the previous ones in hopes of getting everyone in the mindset required for the day. We introduced an activity that made our peers think about five things they can see, four things they have...

Exploration & Conservation – Free day

Hey Yall !!! 😀 Today we were Líderes Del Dia. We had some challenges today and though our day plan didn’t go how we hoped it would ‍♂️, we worked through it and made it fun for everyone. We started off the day with a nice warmup where we did some stretches and...

Community Action Project Day 2

Hi Everyone!!! This is Sidra and Sahian. It was a great experience being leaders of the day. For me, Sidra, it was a helpful opportunity for me to push myself in talking to more people within our little Glimpser family, I got to know people better while doing the...

Community Action Project Day 1

Hola Everybody!! Happy Fourth of July! We were very excited to be leaders of the day on the first day of the community action project! As leaders we were determined to emphasize our quote and question of the day. Today’s quote was: “Never doubt that a...