Recent posts from: Turrialba 3 7-1-2024

Return Flight Information: T3B-LA

Hello, family and friends of the T3B-LA Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the new return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to arrive...

One Last Time – Day 13

HELLOO family and friends!! Welcome to the final blog post. YAYYUHH. Thank you for keeping up with all the blogs, and leaving comments, we really appreciated all the lovely comments y’all left. Today your LDD or leaders of the day were Thelma and Janely.  Wake...

FINAL CAP DAY!!!- Day 12

Miguel: Helllooo blog! Today is our third day of working on the CAP Project, which is also the final CAP DAY. Today´s wake-up call was at 6:30 am. An hour later at 7:30 am, we had breakfast which consisted of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fruits, and the drinks...

CAP Day 2

Hello! Today was the second day of CAP, and we started the day at 6:30. For breakfast was our usual toast, eggs, and fruit. We had our daily mental warm-up to start the day with energy and positivity. We then walked to Santa Rosa school, when we arrived we all got...

Day 10 – CAP Day 1!!!✨

YO YO YOOOOOO EVERYONE!! It’s your LDDs (Liders del Dia) Camila and Mariana. Today we had our wake-up call at 6:30 am in the morning, which was earlier than the past few days. We had breakfast at 7:30 am, followed by our mental warm-up at 8:30 am. We then...

Day 9: Free Day

Hello everyone!!! It’s Destheny and Mayra, today’s group leaders. On this day we had our wake-up call at 7:30am and breakfast at 8:30am. For breakfast today we had pancakes with scrambled eggs and fruits. After breakfast we had our quick mental warm-up...

Day 8: Conservation and Environmental Justice

Hello, this is Victoria and Alana; and this is our day!! Fun fact, we are birthday twins and we were able to be leaders of the day together. The first thing we did was wake up everyone with high spirits to get the day started on the right track. For breakfast, we had...