Aid & Development Day!

Today is Aid and Development Day, what an epic day! Being the leader of the day, I set my alarm for 30 minutes before I went around and woke the rest of my group up half an hour later. After waking up bright and early and having a tasty breakfast all together, we were...

Environment Day!

Today is environment day! As the Leader of the Day, I set my alarm 30 minutes before the rest of the group and was responsible for waking everyone up. After I woke everyone up at a bright and early 7 AM, we had breakfast at 8:00 and reconvened in the meeting room to...

Culture Day

Today we woke up early to get a good head start on our first full day in Chitre, our host city. After a tasty breakfast we came together as a group for a seminar in important safety regulations for all of our Glimpsers here in Panama. Safety first! In the second half...

History Day in Panama!

After a few hours of sleep, our group got ready for breakfast. Everyone called home! The Student Travel Journals were given to each student, this will help them as a guide of what will be happening each day. Mental Warm Ups are found in this journal as well as...

Qué xopá, CH2C!

Hello everyone reading back in the States! It is my pleasure to inform you all that after a long day and a delayed flight, Delegation CH2C from New York is finally here with us in Panamá!! We greeted them at Tocumen International Airport, took a photo with Pitbull,...