Hi Global Glimpse families! Today was a very full and fun day. After a nice breakfast students went on a city tour. We went to the Plazoleta where we learned about Dominican history and how they celebrate the three main leaders Sanchez, Duarte, and Mella. After the...


Hello Everyone, We made it!! After a very long wait at Logan Airport and the help of all the United Airlines staff, we finally touched down in Santiago at 4:00 am. By the time we gathered our belongings, we were warmly welcomed by our program coordinator (PC) Jean...

Intro to Me

Hi! My name is Jordan, I’m from Northampton High School. I play basketball, soccer, and lacrosse. I wanted to go on this trip to have a new experience with a new culture, food, and meet new people! I’m so excited to work with locals and really make a...

Intro to Me

Hi! My name is Xiaohan, and I go to Northampton High School in Western Mass. In my free time, I enjoy making art (especially painting) and playing sports. I run cross, track, and I Alpine ski. The reason I applied to GG was because I wanted a greater perspective on...

Hi Global Glimpse!

Hi Global Glimpse! My name is Nevin and I live in Northampton, MA, and go to Northampton Highschool. I was born in Brooklyn, NY, and moved to Northampton when I was ten years old going into 6th grade. I have been playing soccer for 11 years and running track for 3. I...