Day 3- Unshakable Enthusiasm

Despite the excitement of the seismic activity last night, your Leon Glimpsers woke up this morning on the right side of the bed.  Early in the trip, this group is already showing a remarkable level of engagement and energy, a fact that was praised by all four leaders...

History, Politics and Reflections

Hi Everyone! I am so glad to share some of our day in Leon. Today we went through the History of Nicaragua: first we had the chance to meet Wilberth Medrano, our first speaker of the program and an incredible tour guide and historian. He talked about the origins of...

Leon- We made it!

As we sit in our charming, tiny hostel rooms writing this, there is an absolute downpour outside.  Rain like never before surrounds a group of kids playing cards outside under an awning.  Warm rain and giggles.  We have arrived.  Nineteen kids made it, and nineteen...

Ready To Go!

Hello everyone!  I’m Mr. Austin, and I will be one of your trusty GG Leaders on your trip to Leon!  You all deserve to be commended for your dedication to Global Glimpse, both in the application process as well as in completing the pre-trip workshops, so...