Hey! I am Wiktoria Fanzloch a rising senior from High School of Economics and Finance in New York. I am traveling with Global Glimpse because this is a great opportunity to get me more exposed to the world. In addition, this will give me more exposure in the culture,...


Hi, I’m JC. I am 16 years old. I go to the High School of Economics and Finance, I have no interest in going into finance. I really like studying government and biology. I’m going on this trip because it’s a chance for me to learn more about my...


Hello, I’m Mitchell. I’m 17 years old and am going to be a senior at Greenwich High School. I like to play sports and hangout with friends. I’m traveling with Global Glimpse because its a great opportunity to meet new people, explore other cultures,...


My name is Tamir Thorne, and I am 17 years old. I am traveling with Global Glimpse because this is a once in a lifetime experience and I cannot miss it. I’ve never been given this opportunity.