
Hey everybody! My name is Izabella. I am a 17-year-old student at South San Francisco High School, and am so ready to start my senior year! I originally applied to this program because my brother went on it a few years ago, and based on his experience, I was more than...


Hi everyone!! My name is Ketzally Viruel I am 16 years old from LPS Richmond and a part of summer search. This is my first time traveling, and I am looking forward to getting to know you all 🙂


Hi guys! This is an almost comedically late blog introduction, but here I am now. I just finished a long trip from Korea (even though I am not Korean – my mom is just a crazy KPOP fan), so I have been slightly out of the loop. But now, I am refocusing my...

Hello Everybody!!

Hello everybody! My name is Kayonni Castro, I’m currently 17 and a rising senior at Westmont High School. My current hobbies are reading mystery books and hiking. I’m looking forward to meeting new people and having new experiences!


Hii everyone!! My name is Yadira Gomez, I am 17 years old and I go to Gateway High School in San Francisco, California. I don’t have many hobbies other than art (drawing or painting) and listening to music. This trip is going to be my first international trip...