artes y culturas

Hey GG Families! Today our theme was Arts and Culture. We visited Cartago, which was once the capital of Costa Rica! We took a walking tour guided by Alvaro. He taught us about the history of the city, the ruins of Santiago Apostle Church, the local open-air market,...

Day 1: We arrived to Santa Rosa, Turrialba!

This morning the Glimpsers were excited to start their first day, so we woke them up early to have a delicious Gallo Pinto for breakfast at the Hotel in San José. Then, after approximately 3 hours of travel, we arrived in Santa Rosa of Turrialba, in the Cartago...

Welcome to Costa Rica Chicago Delegation

  Welcome to Costa Rica everyone! We are really excited to receive you here and show you a little bit of this breathtaking country. Our delegation arrived safe and sound at the San Jose airport, with a lot of energy even after those long hours of traveling. After...

Pura Vida from Turrialba!

¡Pura Vida! My name is Milagro, but you can call me Mila. I was born and raised in Cartago, Costa Rica. I hold a bachelor’s degree in environmental health from the University of Costa Rica and most recently earned a degree in education. I value conversing with people...

To Costa Rica We Go!

Hello Glimpsers! My name is Kijai Banks! I will be one of your GGLs on your trip to Costa Rica. I am the Technology Coordinator at Lindblom Math and Science Academy. I have been working there for a year now. In my spare time I love to read, listen to music, and...