Cap Day 2 | Working with Kindness

¡Pura vida! We, Wunnyuriti and Angela, were so happy to take the mantel of Líders del Día today! Our delegation was hard at work on the second day of our Community Action Project! With another early 6:30 am wake up today, we decided to brighten up our Glimpsers’...

CAP Day 1 | Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!

¡Hola Familias! Ellie and Alex on the blog for today. The day began with an early wake-up call of 6:30 am. Although unusual, the Glimpsers rose to the occasion getting ready with haste and excitement. Our amazing kitchen staff, Marie and Andrea, arrived early and...

Environmental Justice

¡Hola Familias! These are your “LDD’s” speaking, Quinn and Rama! Today’s theme of the day was environmental justice. We started our morning with a toucan sighting in a tree near our house! We had a delicious breakfast of rice and beans, bread,...

Family Day | Breaking Bread with Locals

Hola familias! Somos Jailene, Sheny, Sam, and Qua’Nae. Today we were the Líders del Día, and the theme was community day. We started off with an amazing breakfast of pancakes and fruit. Next, we met up with four different families at the park and split up into...