Meet your PC’s

Hi everyone! We are a couple of days away from meeting each other, but we would love to introduce ourselves beforehand. Memo: Hola, my name is Guillermo, but you can call me Memo…it’s easier to “memo”-rize. I’ll be one of your PCs (Program Coordinators) here in...


My name is Sheny and I have lived in Boston my whole life. I am going into my senior year. I have traveled since I was as little as 6 months old. I have been to countries in Europe and Latin America many times. I love to surf, take photos and eat a lot of food in...

Hi Everyone!

Hi everyone! My name is Anabell Lopez, I use she/her pronouns, I am from Springfield, MA, and I’m currently a rising senior at the Springfield Renaissance School. A little about me is that I am a youth climate activist that is passionate about wildlife...


Hello everyone! My name is Asher Carswell, and here’s a little about me: I am 17 and a rising senior at Northampton High School, I use He/Him Pronouns, and spend my spare time doing pottery, playing cards, writing the occasional poem or hanging out with my three...


Hola a todos!! My name is Aimee Satkowski and I will be one of your GG leaders to Costa Rica next week! I am super excited to be on this trip with you all. I went to Turrialba last year with a group of students and we had the best time! I know you are going to love...