Recent posts from: Esteli – 06/04/2013

6 Days to go Esteli June 4th!

Hi Everyone! I hope everyone is excited and has looked over their checklist! I know I still need to buy some last minute items, heading to Target soon! I am currently on a pre-GG vacation with my family in Los Angeles, soaking in as much family time as I can get. In...

Greetings Global Glimpsers from San Jose, Ca

Greetings June 4th Esteli Global Glimpsers!! My name is Ms. Newman and I’m one of your Global Glimpse Leaders. I just wanted to reintroduce myself to you. I hope all of you guys are as excited to go on this trip as Ms. Castro and me. We can’t wait to meet all of you....


Hey guys! My name is Vivien Trinh and I’m an incoming senior at Independence. I’m heading off to Esteli on June 4th, which will mark the day that I will have traveled out of the country for the FIRST TIME EVER, and my first time in twelve years on a...