Recent posts from: Constanza1 – 6/12/2017

Trip C1A: We Made It!!!

Hello, family and friends! We have made it safely to our “home-away-from-home” at Dilenia’s Hotel in Constanza!  It took two flights, three countries, and one long bus ride to get here but it was absolutely worth it.  Katherine, Francis, Anthony, and Sandy greeted us...

Constanza’s Youth Ambassadors are waiting for you!

Hey students and teachers! This is Ashley, Merling, Abby, Leandro, and Jorge – .  We can’t wait until you get here to show you our awesome city. We’re about the same age as you – between 16 and 18, and we love to listen to music, read, and play soccer.  We...

Welcome to Constanza Glimpsers!

HELLO GLIMPSERS! Shout out from your Constanza Program Coordinators, Katherine and Francis. My name is Katherine, and I was born in Santiago, Dominican Republic and grew up in New York. I have been working, travelling, and studying abroad for some time now in Europe,...