Recent posts from: Constanza 1 6-17-2024

Freedom (Yay!)

Hello, today we (Leonard and America) were Leaders of the Day! We had the freedom to explore the town without a packed schedule. Usually, our wake-up call is pretty early, it being 7 AM, but for today we had the chance to wake up at a later time (9:30!). We had...

Global Glimpsers? More Like Locals!

What a super exciting day!!! Our topic was “Global Business and Working Like a Local”. Today was full of learning and understanding about how farmers work in the fields of Constanza. We visited a large greenhouse and got to see how crops of bell peppers,...

Learning to Serve in the DR

Hey everyone, today’s theme on day 4 was Aid & Development. In the morning we started our day off meeting Bernardo, the founder of the non-profit organization known as “Alegria Inocente.” During the meeting we learned about what this organization does...

Our GG History and Culture Day In the DR

Today was an absolutely wonderful day of exploration, discovery, and engagement. We woke up to a beautiful sunny day, ate breakfast, and learned a bit about the history of colonization, dictatorship, struggles for democracy, and the richness of culture in the...

Constanza, we love you

We are so excited to have arrived in Constanza. We love how green and lush it is, and the cool weather is an added bonus. Our rooms have mosquito nets and we’re getting to know all of our travel companions. The food is great, and we had our first habichuelas...

Meet Isabel and Celeste, your GGLs

We look forward to meeting you real soon! About Celeste: I was a GG Leader last Summer for the first time and the experience was phenomenal. I have also traveled with student groups to San Francisco, Miami and New York. I teach Multimedia Arts at University Pathways...