Recent posts from: Constanza 2 6-20-2024


Hey everyone, it’s Zimry and Jody! 😀 Today was day six, our much-awaited free day. We started off the morning by waking up at 9:00 and going to breakfast, then lounging around the houses playing spoons, speed, Bananagrams, and UNO. After every card had been...

Standin’ on Business!!

Today was day 5!! The theme of the day was Working Like a Local and Global Business! The question of the day was, How can I be a more responsible consumer and reduce my impact on the environment and the people? We started off the day with a great breakfast and then...


A beautiful and relaxing day for our Glimpsers. Today we focused specifically on Aid and Development in Constanza! After a fulfilling breakfast, Glimpsers had the privilege to meet Bernardo, the founder of Alegria Inocente, a non-profit organization that focuses on...


Today was quite an exciting day! We toured around the city of Constanza, learning about the history of the town and country. After this we met with Gato who helped us mold masks, these kids are so darn talented! We took a break and had some delicious sancocho, a...


After a few hours of sleep, the kids had a hearty breakfast before embarking on their journey to Constanza. Beautiful sceneries during the ride, and everyone was in awe. Upon our arrival, we had lunch and unpacked. Following this we had an orientation where students...

Arrival, at last

After ten-plus hours of travel, these soldiers have made it onto the beautiful Dominican soil, landing at 1:43 AM. A bit tired, but excited for what’s ahead. After a group photo, we all made our way to our hotel in Santiago, DR’s second-largest city. All students have...


My name is Diego Lopez. I attend Life Academy in Oakland, California. I am always up for something as long as someone is with me. I have never been on a flight before this trip so I am excited to experience new things. I think of myself as a team player who supports...