Recent posts from: Jarabacoa 1 6-24-2024

We’re free!!!

Hi parents and guardians! This is Faith and Kaitlyn, coming at you live on June 30th! Here is a brief overview of our day in the city of Jarabacoa: Our group had a free day today, meaning a lot of us got to enjoy and explore the city ourselves! Our morning started off...

Feliz Sabado!

This is Mayra and Nicolaus writing to you from the DR! We are so excited to share with you guys the very eventful day we had! Today we had community day where we spent our time in Sonidos del Yaque from 9am – 4pm. We started our morning bright and early at 6am, which...

Aid and Development Day

Feliz Viernes! This is Fiona and Timericka coming to you with the latest updates from Jarabacoa. Today was Aid and Development Day! We started our day off with a nutritious traditional Dominican Republic breakfast that consisted of fried cheese, mashed plantains...

Global and Local Business

Buenos tardes, from Gio and Soraya. We were the first student leaders of the day, and we had to wake up earlier than our peers. We gathered everyone for the morning call and made sure to check in on them in 15-minute intervals. As everyone woke up, breakfast was being...

Culture Fun Day and City Tour

Hola from Jarabacoa! Today was our first time venturing outside of our accommodation, and our focus was on the culture and getting to know Jarabacoa and the surrounding area.  After breakfast, we kicked off our day with a tour of the town, led by one of our wonderful...

First full day in the DR!

Today is our first day in the DR! With only a few hours of sleep under our belt, we set off from our hotel in Santiago and made the 45-minute drive up into the mountains to Jarabacoa! We arrived at our DR home, Rancho Ruiseñor, just before lunch! After everyone found...


Finally, our students have arrived! Everything has gone well, there have been no incidents with the suitcases. We have already arrived at the hotel at 4 a.m. and we are going to rest a little. Tomorrow after breakfast we will go to the base house in Jarabacoa and the...