Recent posts from: Jarabacoa 2 6-12-2024

Working with the local community ☕️

Hello families and friends! Liya and Mathilde here! We had so much fun being the group leaders today! Today was an extremely productive day as working in coffee fields as locals and developed an idea of how coffee was produced. After waking up early to the crow of the...

Aid and Development Day!

Hello everyone!! We hope that our friends and families are feeling phenomenal. We touched on multiple different life skills today, and we were briefed on our upcoming Community Action Plan, or CAP for short. To start off, we woke up bright and early with a happy meal,...

Free Day in the city of Jarabacoa

Hello everyone, today June 17th, 2024 we had our Fun Day! We woke up before 11 and we were well rested. Breakfast was served from 9:30 to 10:30 am. Then during breakfast, we had our first 15-minute call with parents. We also had some free time after finishing...

Learning and Serving the Yaque!!

Hello everyone! Today we’re going to tell you guys about our day “Community Day”! We woke up at the crack of dawn, 6:00 am, we had breakfast at 7:00 am. We left at 8:30 am to El Sonido del Yaque,  a community where we went to experience everyday life. We helped with...


Hello everyone! GGLS here sharing about what we did on our first day of activities! We woke up bright and early, had breakfast, and headed on our safari bus to the fire station of Jarabacoa where we were able to learn about how the bomberos (firefighters) live in the...

Day One: New Beginnings!

The first day of our experience in the Dominican Republic for our GG program was a success. Despite the fatigue, everyone maintained their energy and participated with enthusiasm. We are excited to discover what tomorrow will bring. What a wonderful...

Welcome to DR!

Hi there, everyone made it safe and sound. Everything went smoothly from the airport to the hotel. Kids surprisingly had energy after their travel day and the GGLs as well. Shout out to everyone for assisting with this trip and journey, thank you!