Recent posts from: Juan Dolio 1 6-10-2024

2 Blogs (likely) Coming Tomorrow!

Hey JD1A Friends and Family, The JD1A group is experiencing a power outage in the community this evening (Monday 6.17) so they have asked GG staff to give a quick blog update that they are doing well and are planning on posting the trip blog for today as early as...

Day 7: Community Day!

Hello friends and family! We had the earliest wake-up call today and were out of bed by 6 am. Breakfast was slightly delayed, so we ate around 7:45. We had our standard fruit and eggs with tomato, fried dough, cinnamon porridge, and some delicious hot chocolate! It...

Free Day Adventures

What’s up family/friends?! We miss you all so much!! Today we were in luck, as we had the privilege of waking up at 9 am. We were greeted with a delicious breakfast that consisted of scrambled eggs with onions, toast, a ham and cheese roll-up, a variety of local...

Aid and Development

Hola from El Rancho Encantado Los Cocos! Our day started bright and early at 7 AM.  We woke up our Glimpsers for another exciting day! We showed the model plate of a delicious and traditional Dominican breakfast, el triple golpe; Mangu (Plantanos), Fried Cheese,...

Day 4: Working Like a Local!

Bienvenidos! Son los liders del dia (leaders of the day) Kayla y Morgan! Our focus of today was working like a local. We embarked on our journey bright and early ready for an action-packed day. We then were delighted by a delicious breakfast consisting of pancakes,...

Day 3: Culture

Hello Familia! We woke up bright and early on day three excited for our “culture” theme of the day. With a 7 am wake up call, we all rolled out of bed for a breakfast of cereal and fruits before we took on the day with positive energy. We met at 9 for a quick mental...