Recent posts from: Las Tablas 2 6-18-2024

Día Libre

Hola familia y los amigos de los Glimpsers! We are Ella and Chloe, the Líderes del Día. Today was our free day!!! Us Glimpsers were given time to explore the beautiful Pueblo de Las Tablas. Everyone got to sleep in past 8 am for the first time on this trip! After a...

Diversidad biocultural

HOLA LOS AMIGOS Y LAS FAMILIAS! Today was Biocultural Diversity Day and led by los líderes del día, Layla and Jayden. Today we started the day off with a 7 am wake-up call, followed by a wonderful breakfast and mental warm-up to learn about today’s partner. Our goal...

Trabajando como un local

 ¡Bienvenidos Familias de Global Glimpse! ¡Hola! ¡Somos Leslie y Monse los Líderes del Día (LDD), hoy tuvimos un largo día en que nos tuvimos que despertar a las 5:15 de la mañana! Para desayuno comimos pan tostado, huevos batidos, jamón, y plátanos con una guarnición...

Ayuda y desarrollo

Hola amigos y familia! It is the first student Líderes del Día (LDD) Maylin and Leah! Today, some of us started our day with a quick trip to the supermarket to get some early morning snacks. Then, we got back to our hotel for a delicious breakfast of salchichas...

La historia y la cultura

¡Hola a todos! It’s Claire and Josue here, the resident GGLs in Las Tablas. Today we spent our first full day in the city of Las Tablas learning about the rich culture and community. We started the day preparing our Glimpsers for their 2-week stay in Las Tablas by...

Casco viejo and Welcome to Las Tablas!

¡Hola! After spending the night in our hotel in Panamá City we had an early start for a packed day. After having breakfast, we headed out for a city tour around Casco Viejo (Panama’s old town), where we had the chance to visit the Plaza de la Independencia, the...


Greetings from Ciudad de Panamá everyone! This is Luz and Marco here, writing to say that the Las Tablas 2A delegation arrived safely – all 21 Glimpsers and our 2 amazing Global Glimpse Leaders. Everyone was pretty tired after their long journey, but everyone was also...