Recent posts from: San Pedro 1 6-18-2024

Day 7 Community Day

Hello friends and family, it is today’s new Leaders of the Day, Alicia and Israel! Today, it was Community Day where we visited the Monte Coca community and bonded with the families. Israel and I woke up everyone around 7:00 am. To start our day we had some...

Day 6 – Free Day

Hi, my name is Hunter I’m one of the glimpsers and I was one of the leaders of the day. Today was focused on rest and giving everyone a break from the busy schedule. We started out by having a late wake-up so people got to sleep in some. Then, we had an open...


Today the new leaders of the day, Maggie and Stafani woke up very early at 6:30 to be ready to wake the others up at 7:00! After everyone was done getting ready we had breakfast at 8 and today we had fried cheese, salami, and Mangu (mashed plantain), we also had the...

Day 4 Global & Local Business

Hey Friends and Family, Today was our fourth day in the Dominican Republic and we, Tatum and Quinn, were the Liders del Dia (Leaders of the Day)! We woke up bright and early, at 7 AM, and had a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and fruit. After breakfast, we had our...

Day 3 History & Culture Day

Hello Families and Friends! Today the Global Glimpse Leaders, Faith Martinez, and I, Kimberly Chin, were the Leaders del Dia (Leaders of the Day) in which we focused on the History and Culture of the country.  We began our day with a light breakfast of juice, cereal,...

Day 2 Welcome and History

Today we got acquainted with the accommodations that we are staying at. We were able to have a fun and informative orientation not only about the trip but also a little about Dominican culture. We love the food here at Centro Kelloggs. Meals here have been awesome and...

Welcome to San Pedro de Macoris Glimpsers have arrived

The Glimpsers have arrived safely on site. We are happy to have them here in San Pedro de Macoris. Glimpsers will call parents in the morning after breakfast at 10am. Unfortunately, we were unable to post our arrival picture due to poor internet connection, but we...