Recent posts from: Turrialba 1 6-24-2024

Hello! :D

Hi everyone! I’m Mikaelyn, I’m 17, and I go to NHS in Massachusetts. I’m going to Costa Rica this summer! I’ve never done anything like this so I’m excited and scared. Usually, I spend my time listening to music or watching movies and tv with my friends. I like...


Hi! My name’s Liz, short for Elizabeth, and I’ll be one of the Glimpsers joining the Costa Rica trip in late June!! I currently attend Boston Green Academy as a junior and enjoy playing soccer. I can’t wait for the new experience since it’ll be my first time out of...

¡Vamos a Costa Rica!

¡Hola a todos! I am one of your GGL’s for this upcoming trip to Costa Rica! I am so excited to be with you to explore this amazing country. I have traveled with Global Glimpse to Costa Rica two times in the past and I am sure you will all have a great time! A...

So nice to meet you!!

  My name is Sabrina Palacio Medina, I am 17 years old and from Colombian decent . I’m looking forward to being introduced to a new culture and to be able to experience that with a bunch of people doing the same. I can’t wait to meet all the different kinds of...