Recent posts from: Turrialba 1 7-12-2024

Day 7: Our Fun Day at the Waterfall!

What’s up guys! It’s Kasey and Sophie as Leaders of the Day (LDDs) for our Fun Day. We started our morning with banana pancakes and eggs for breakfast, as well as some different kinds of fruit juices. We then headed off to the bus to depart for our Fun Day!! We...

Day 6: Environmental Justice and Sustainability

¡Hola amigos y familias! It’s Kelly and Ana here! Today we woke up to the chilly cloudy morning at seven AM. We then start off the morning with delicious French toast, fruit, yogurt, and scrambled eggs (and of course coffee and juice). Although we were very tired, we...

Family Time

Luis: Today is day 5 in Costa Rica and it’s COMMUNITY DAY!!! We woke up to a sunny morning eating breakfast in the outdoor dining room. Following that, we did our metal warm-up where we discussed the quote of the day which is as follows: “It’s not our differences that...

Glimpsers go Farming!

Hey guys, it’s Shania and Gabby. We were the Leaders of the Day today. The theme today was Global & Local Business. To start off the day, we visited a coffee plantation. There we learned about the coffee harvesting and production process. We got caught in the rain...

Exploring Cartago Town!!

Today was History and Culture Day. The morning heavy rain turned cloudy, later clearing for bright sunny skies. It was the perfect day for our very first field trip to Cartago Town, the first capital of Costa Rica. During our guided tour we visited the Virgin of the...

Day 2- Welcome Turrialba!

Today was our official first full day in our home for the next 14 days!!! Our day started with a typical Costa Rican breakfast called Gallo Pinto (rice mixed with beans, eggs, bread and natilla) along with some fruits! We started our welcome and orientation seminars...

Day 1 – Arrival Day

Our TA1C group of Glimpsers have just arrived!!!!!!!!! We received our glimpses with a lot of joy (and heat) at the airport a little bit after noon. We immediately hopped on the bus and headed to a restaurant in Cartago to have a typical lunch (Casado)!!! Each...