Recent posts from: Constanza 1 7-23-2024


 HELLO FROM ALESANDRA AND JACKIE!!  Today was the midpoint of this trip. We miss you all very much but we still have another week together to continue building bonds! GUESS WHAT TODAAY WAS? FREE DAY!!!! Us Glimpsers had today to relax from all the amazing project work...

Community Day!

Our morning started with being up at 6AM, 1 hour earlier than our usual wakeup call. We all gathered together for breakfast but breakfast came later than we expected. To pass the time, we did games such as Would You Rather and made a Global Glimpse chant with our...

Sweet Aid

Hello everyone, this is Ray and Gerson, we had a very educational experience meeting an incredible associate, Bernardo Pastiño Quezada. We learned about the impacts that development has on the community, even giving us the opportunity to meet one of the locals for...

Global and Local Business (Pepinos!!!)

Hellooooooooo it’s me Miguel and this blog post will be all about what we’ve done to help out in the business aspect of agriculture in DR. My day started off by waking up super early to do the wake-up call and I went around knocking on doors making sure...


HAIIII! Its Lupe! Today we started our day earlier because we were leaders and had to knock on everyone’s door to wake them all up! We then had breakfast at 8:00 am which was pretty yummy(it was a sandwich with turkey or ham with lettuce and tomato YUMMMMMMM),...

History Day!!

Our first full day in Constanza has been a blast! Today, we learned a brief history of Constanza, Dominican Republic, and had the opportunity to explore the community. We visited the police station, fire department, and the local church! After our adventure, we shared...

The Beginning of our Journey

Hola, dear parents, friends, and followers, Today was the big day! Everybody arrived safely in Constanza, our home for the next two weeks. We met lots of new people and we are now ready to learn about the Dominican culture! Here are some photos of our arrival in the...