Recent posts from: Constanza 2 7-9-2024

Community Day

Day 7: The wake-up call was at 6:00 AM, Sasha woke up at the peak hours of 5:30, then proceeded to wake everyone up, then lay back down on a couch to go back to sleep for 10 minutes.  Daviel was supposed to be up, however, did not wake up until 6:00 AM. Everyone...

Day 5: City Exploration

¡Hola! Today was started comfortably (and optionally) at 8:45. The group had the option of using our morning warm-up time to do a guided meditation with me (Knox). This morning’s meditation was focused on healing and energizing the body, in relation to a previous...

Welcome to the Community!

Hola from Constanza! Today was another great day with the group and we are so excited to share it with you! Starting off the day strong we had a very calming yoga class followed by a delicious breakfast of huevos (eggs), jamon (ham), and pancakes (pancakes if you...

Day 3 (Cucumber Day!!!)

Hola!! Today was the first day of student leading, and we did great (if we do say so ourselves)! We had a 7 am wake-up today and enjoyed a quick yoga session before heading to breakfast. Many students thoroughly enjoyed that. We did a mental warmup consisting of an...

Day 2 (Hydration)

Hello again from your C2B Global Glimpse Leaders Juan & Olivia! I know you all are anxiously waiting for the daily update (and yes, this will be the final blog post from the adults – tomorrow the Glimpsers take over)! With that being said, let’s get into...

Day 1 (Rainbow)

We touched down this morning and got to experience a genuine Dominican welcome. It was a blast! We stayed at a local hotel for a bit before making our way to Constanza on what felt like the smoothest ride ever. We got to see so much of the beautiful landscape the...


After a long trip, the Students have landed safely. After the airport, we settled in a hotel here in Santiago before heading off to Constanza in the morning!