Recent posts from: Jarabacoa 1 7-12-2024

Day 6: Free Day

Hey friends and family!! Today was our free day so we all woke up at different times. Last night we experienced a blackout which left us without power and no running water which continued on for the whole day until later in the evening. Our breakfast consisted of...

Day 5: Community Day

Hey fam! It’s your LDDs of day 5 here in the DR! Today was an early day, waking up at 6 am with our first check-ins at 6:30 and 6:45. Today’s breakfast was a simple cereal with a variety of milk choices along with some ginger tea and sugar. (PS: Thanks dad...

Day 4: Aid and Development

Greetings friends and families!!! We started off the day at 7:00 am, then ate a breakfast of eggs, toast, and cheese with our drink options being hot chocolate and pineapple juice at 8:00 am. Then we began our morning meeting where we discussed our first activity of...

Day 3 Global Business And Working Like A Local

Hello friends and family!!! This is Jose and Kaylie we are the first LDD (Lider Del Dia) students. We started the day off with a delicious breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and cornflakes. After our breakfast we had our first Mental warm-up of the day; Working Like a...

Day 2: History and Culture

Hello all! It was a beautiful day today exploring the downtown and city center of Jarabacoa. We woke up around 7, had a lovely breakfast of toast, eggs, cheese, and a fabulous passion and oat drink. We began our day with a mental warm up about the complicated history...


Today is our first day in the DR! With only a few hours of sleep under our belt, we set off from our hotel in Santiago and made the 45-minute drive up into the mountains to Jarabacoa! We arrived at our DR home, Rancho Ruiseñor, just before lunch! After everyone found...

Welcome to Dominican Republic

Happy to announce that our glimpsers arrived in the Dominican Republic safe and sound. We are so excited to finally have them here and begin our GG journey filled with lots of learning and amazing adventures. We had arrived at the hotel and now everyone is resting up...