Recent posts from: Jarabacoa 2 7-1-2024

Day 8 Juan Dolio (not two, but Juan)

Good Morning! Today is Immigration Day! Our start to the day was both very long and very, very early. Today we were supposed to wake up at 6 AM, although we started with a slight delay due to malfunctioning alarms. At 8 AM, we left Jarabacoa for Juan Dolio (not two,...

Day 7 – Free Day

Today was Free Day and was led by us (Jasmine Barajas and Ashley Barahona). We started off the day by sleeping in later than usual which was really needed after the long day yesterday. Our breakfast was self-served between 9:30 am to 10:30 am. The food was pancakes,...

Day 6 – Community Day

Hello Family and Friends, This is Yvette Carrillo and Jesse Ramirez! In the morning, the leaders of the day woke up at 5:30am and woke the rest of our group up at 6:00am. Today was a super long day! After waking up we had a nice breakfast and took our private bus with...

Day 5 Aid & Development

Today we started the day with breakfast, then moved on with our meeting that informs us about what we will be doing throughout the day. In our morning meeting, we learned about aid and development, more specifically the two types of aid, as well as the plans for the...

Day 3 – Hard Work and Dedication

Today we visited a coffee nursery and helped locals with tending to their fields. After seeing where it all began we visited a factory where we were introduced to how beans are made into coffee. Then we were rewarded with fresh, delicious coffee from the facility. We...

Day Two & We are Off to a Great Start!

Hello Families & Loved ones, It’s day two of our trip to Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic and we had an amazing time exploring the city! During our City Tour we stopped at the Fire department to see how Jarabacoa’s fire department works. It was really cool to see how...

The Beginning of Our GG Adventure

Hello there! The first day of our experience in the Dominican Republic for our GG program was a success. Despite the fatigue, everyone maintained their energy and participated with enthusiasm in our seminars and activities. We had some local food at the accommodation...