Recent posts from: Juan Dolio 1 6-28-2024

Community Day!

So we started off the day at 6:00 AM and moved swiftly to breakfast. We had a traditional eggs and pancake breakfast which everyone enjoyed. After breakfast we went into a meeting prepping us for the big community day to come. We learned about the Monte Coca community...

Free Day

Today we got to wake up later than usual. Breakfast was eggs and rolls and we had free time until lunch. Free time consisted of playing card games, swimming and taking naps. Then we loaded up the bus and traveled to San Pedro and broke up into groups to go shopping....

Aid and Development

Today was Aid & Development Day!!! We figured out what our capstone project will be. The capstone project is building homes for the locals in Juan Dolio with Servicio Social de Iglesias, an organization based on building homes for the homeless. Global Glimpse has...

Global Business/Day 4

Day 4 was a blast! As usual, we began the morning by waking up at 7 a.m. and having breakfast that was cooked by the one and only Lenore<3. After breakfast, everyone got ready and we made our way to ImpACTA kits, where we met Carmen who taught us about the history...

Culture Day

Today we woke up at 7 and started off our day with an amazing breakfast that consisted of eggs, croissants, fruits, oatmeal, and Dominican hot chocolate. At 9 we had an energizer and shared facts about ourselves to get to know each other better. At 10 we rode to the...

Culture and History Day

Greetings from Juan Dolio, Today we had a really great day. The kids enjoyed volleyball, the pool, some intense games, and even got to show off their best dance moves! We went to San Pedro to get a better understanding of the local way of life and got to enjoy some...

Arrival of the JD2B Delegation

“We were happy to receive the amazing NYC delegation. The students arrived safely to the Dominican Republic ready to have an excellent experience. We hope that this will be a fun and educational journey for them.”