Recent posts from: Las Tablas 1 6-24-2024

DAY 7- Biocultural Diversity

Hello everyone, My name is Jhonathan Davila Escorza and I was LDD (Leader of the Day) for the day. I had a good experience leading my fellow peers and friends as everyone was very cooperative with me throughout the day. It was easy to gather their attention to give...

DAY 6- Work Like a Local

Hello! This is Angelina and Bryanda coming to you from Las Tablas, Panama. Our experience as LDDs was pretty fun, to say the least. In the beginning, we were very nervous because we didn’t know what to expect and what challenges we might face. We kept collaboration as...

DAY 5- Local Business

Dear families, friends, and this group’s passionate readers, My name is Henry Top and today I had the honor of leading this delegation. I can gratefully say that these students are honestly the best and easiest students that I’ve worked with in my life (maybe that’s...

DAY 4- Aid & Development

Good evening, all families and friends with loved ones who have made the decision to take a step into the unknown with the mindset of creating a change in a place they have never been and for people they have never known. My name is Julian Cabantac and I have been...

DAY 3- Cultura!

Hello! This is Alba: being a leader for me was truly a wonderful experience. I loved interacting with local people and the glimpsers. It was a hard morning at first waking up at 6 am, but after all of the cool things we did today, it really made the day great. I was a...

Day 2- Welcome and Orientation! Bienvenido!

Hola, Global Glimpse families and friends! Today, I served as Lider Del Dia (Leader of the Day) to provide our glimpsers with an example of what’s to come! As a reminder, I’m Bridgett Hernandez, the Global Glimpse Leader in charge of Leadership. I will be...

Day 1 – Arrival Day

Happy to announce that our glimpsers touched down in Panama safe and sound. We are so excited to finally have them here and begin our GG journey filled with lots of learning and amazing adventures. We are resting up for tomorrow’s walking tour around Casco Viejo...