“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” – William G.T. Shedd

Greetings Glimpsers, parents, and GG Leaders!

With your arrival date getting closer and closer, we’d like to take a moment to introduce ourselves and share with you what we’ve been up to here in Riobamba. Fernanda Ramos Díaz, your Site Manager, is a local riobambeña passionate about farming, good food and sharing her Ecuadorian culture. Your Program Coordinator, Steph Szuch, is a travel addict from Minnesota who knows firsthand the value of immersing oneself in foreign cultures. We are very excited for your arrival to this beautiful historic city to share with you our passions and accompany you on your journey of cultural understanding and self-discovery.

fer and steph

Here in Riobamba, we are ready for your arrival! After months of preparations, meeting inspirational community members, recruiting your English Tutoring students, and fine-tuning all the details, we are anxious to put all our planning into action!

This summer will be an amazing opportunity for you to step outside of your comfort zones. In Riobamba you will learn about the local people, culture, and traditions, but most importantly, about yourself. We hope that you arrive with an open state of mind, willing to embrace the challenges that await you… we guarantee it will be worth it and we’ll be supporting you every step of the way!

riobamba rainbow

As you pack your bags, don’t forget to include a light layers and a raincoat because Riobamba’s weather can be delightfully unpredictable.

Also, we’d love to hear what you’ve been up to! How are you getting ready for your trip? What are you most excited about?

All the best,
Fernanda and Steph