¡Holla Amigos!

Today as LDD we woke everyone up at 7:30 and ate French toast with eggs and fruit. After some down time, we had our mental warm up where we prepared our minds to experience a different perspective of how people live their daily lives here in Costa Rica. Before walking into town, we split the group into 4 smaller groups that each one of us would be leading throughout the day, then we finally headed into town to meet the families in front of the Santa Rosa School.

Emily M (Mimi)

Today I was Lider del Dia and leader of group 1. Our group visited Doña Olga in her small and cozy house where she lives by herself. In her house, we helped her clean, El Guapo (Calvin) helped her sweep, Melany folded her clothes and the rest of us helped to clean her living room. After cleaning we started making lunch, she taught us how to cook as most of us did not know how to. While we waited for the food, we played music and all of us started dancing and singing. El Guapo showed Olga and her partner (that arrived a moments before) his dance moves. We ate a delicious meal that consisted of potato with chorizo, rice, beans, fried plantains and lemonade. En el reposo (rest after eating) we sat in front of her house where we shared our life stories, and we were able to learn new things about our peers and Doña Olga. El Guapo practiced his Spanish with people passing by and we got to meet Owen a little kid from the neighborhood that singed to us three times. In that moment we also learned the value of community in their neighborhood as Olga greeted every person by their name and with care, she also told us some of them were like family to her. Before leaving, Olga taught us how to make Empanadas de queso and all of us made one.


Today, Monday, we met up with 4 different families. My group met up with Manuel, a married father of two daughters, they seemed like a happy loving family with five dogs and a bunny. We felt very welcomed in his home. He taught us a little of his daily life and how he sees the beauty of his home. He seems like a very attentive man, he spotted a lizard and bird in places where no one else would have seen them. He also seems very caring of his family and his neighbors and treats everybody like his friend or family. The man prepared us a traditional dish and allowed us to help him in the process of making it. He allowed us to tour the entirely of his property and warned us were to step cause of the neighbors’ dogs. Later he showed us how to make tortillas and empanadas, I provided support by raking the leaves and making his home look presentable.

Evelyn D

Today we visited Adriana at her house where she lives with her husband, daughter, and son. When we arrived at her house, she made all of us feel welcome and invited us to sit down and cool down after the walk to her house. For a light snack she made us some delicious yogurt with banana and granola. Then we sat down to play some tables games while Gabe and Armando played x-box with her son. For lunch, Adriana prepared us some rice with chicken, a green salad, chips, and a homemade fruit juice made out of Cas. Towards the end of our day with her, she taught us how to make empanadas with fresh Turrialba Artisan Cheese, while enjoying the delicious empanadas Adriana talked about her life in Costa Rica and how much she enjoys living here. At the end of the day, we all walked back with her to the school where we meet up with the rest of the group.

Alejandro H

Today I was one of the 4 leaders for leader of the day, As the groups split into their families, my group went with Jessica, a loving mother of 3 kids. One boy and two girls, all very welcoming as we entered their home and immediately serving us drinks and putting on a Latin American classic, Shrek. We sat for a while and everyone was telling Jessica their age, where they are from, and name which she enjoyed learning about everyone, especially her son, Owen, he learned I was Mexican and my parents too. His mother told us he likes listening to Rancheras and his favorite country is Mexico. Then Jessica was explaining to us how she makes these little porcelain figures that she sells to the community, she was very nice enough to gift us some and even make our own! We sat in the dinner table and gave a porcelain making class, she pulled out the porcelain and molds she uses, and we each had to use the mold to create the sculptures. We had one step in and had to let it dry, by that time the food was ready, she served us a plate of traditional rice, beans, mashed potatoes, and salad. Everything tasted great and everyone really appreciated the meal as it was delicious. The porcelain still was drying, so we went outside and learned a new version of hide n seek with the kids. The seeker still has to find us but if your spotted you have to race the seeker and touch the wall before them, if not you lose. We played for a while and all of us were breaking a sweat, the kids stayed outside while we headed back in to finish our figures. We added out final details and finish, now it was time to make empanadas and tortillas. We each had a station, either grate the cheese, make the maza, roll the maza in balls. I was making the little balls then switched with the others, then I was able to do the cooking. Flipping the empanadas and having hot oil splash on me, but all this made me feel like I was home, making homemade food with family. After cooking so much food, we got to taste it and it reminded me of home. We said our goodbyes and took a picture with everyone, and we each gave Jessica a hug for her hospitality.


Erin, Bri, and the PCs will continue to post pictures in our Google folder. It’s broken down by day – here’s the link to every day’s folders if you need it!