We would just like to let you know that we are thoroughly enjoying each and every glimpser. Each child brings a unique dynamic to the group. We have all become very close with each other and the glimpsers are having great fun together when they have free time. Every day a few more students start coming out of their comfort zone. It is so heartwarming to watch this transition. Although seeing the realities of a third world country can be intensely emotional, we all hold each other up and have each others’ back.
We would like to ask each of you to reach out to those parents who may be having difficulty connecting to the blog. Also, we are having internet problems due to power outages which are common here. We are able to post blogs, but we are having difficulty loading pictures. We have so many to share. Students tried calling home today, but some students had difficulty connecting or no-one was home. Students will have time next Friday to call home at approximately 1:00-3:30 Nicaragua time if there is no power outage.
Lastly, we would like to thank you all for allowing your children to travel with us. We love them dearly and so enjoy their energy, loving demeanor, and hilarious interactions. They really keep us going. Until our next post…..

Hasta luego
Terri and Jean-Claude