Today was a continuation of yesterday’s activities, working on the aqueducts. Everyone was tired from yesterday’s hard work, but did an amazing job and pulled through with today’s work. After finishing breakfast at  8:00, we quickly headed to the field to continue digging. We made great progress and started a new section of the field! The sun made working a bit harder, but we were refreshed by a light drizzle and everyone looked to our breaks to eat delicious snacks. And today, we were surprised by some scrumptious sodas by the locals. By the time we were finished, everyone was tired (again), but spirits were able to be lifted by the surprise pit stop we made to an ice cream shop in the city. We were able to chill in the park eating ice cream after two long days of work.

After that fun break, we arrived back at La Salle to wash off the dirt and rest which we were all grateful for. We’ll need to get a good night’s sleep tonight so we can head to our last day of work tomorrow and lay down the pipes to see the water start flowing!

Megan-엄마 아빠 오빠들이 너무 보고 싶어요 사랑합니다 곧 만나요!

Winta- Hi familyyyyy, love you guys and miss you guys sooo much. I’m super excited to come home and see y’all! I have gifts for you mommy and Jaylen stay strong, I’ll be there soon!