Today was our most productive CAP Day!! We started off the day eating breakfast cereal and fruit in order to fuel our bodies for a hard day of work. After that, we led some morning stretches in order to prep our bodies for the day ahead. Then we headed to Monte Coca on the Guagua (the bus) and split into our CAP groups, heading to the sites. One site was building a bathroom which consisted of making cement, placing bricks, and insulating the building. The second group aided in building up the walls and stairs. We mixed concrete, paved the walls, and passed buckets of cement. In our groups, we were able to get closer and take care of each other throughout the process, and was overall a productive work experience. After that, we parted ways with the workers. Towards the end of our work day, we were able to give a thank you note to Roberto, the community leader, for allowing us to help the community. He gave us a goodbye coffee and we left on the guagua. After we left we showered and had a self-reflection along with Isabel, our local director, allowing us to reflect deeper on our experiences with working. Overall, today was a very productive and eventful day. We are so grateful for the opportunity to help support the community!! 🙂 <3

  • Aminah and Nila