Hola! It’s Leo and Nick. Today was the first day of our Community Action Project (CAP). We started the day with our typical 7:15 wakeup call. Everyone was very quick to get out of bed today because we told them that breakfast was in 5 minutes. We had breakfast at 8, which consisted of pancakes, eggs, fruit and a choice of juice. When breakfast was finished, we had our usual mental warmup, and got prepared for the busy day ahead of us.

After everyone was prepared with athletic wear and equipped with the “Big Five” (water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, closed-toe shoes and rainjackets), we then left the accomodation at 8:45. We arrived at the school at 9:00, and met the operating foreman, “Tono”. We split the large group into four groups, each tasked with a different objective. One group was tasked with shoveling and moving a pile of rocks using shovels and wheelbarrows. The second group moved sand and rocks to be mixed with concrete powder to make concrete. The third group cleaned and brushed a pathway in preparation to have cement poured on it. The final group was tasked with sifting sand and that sand was then added to cement powder to form the ramp. This continued until 11:45, when we took our lunch break and walked back to the accomodation. The lunch menu today was rice, beans and fried fish.

After lunch we had free-time until 1:00. We headed as a group back down to the school to finish our tasks from before lunch. After all the groups finished with their tasks, we came back together as a group to start chiseling the floor in preparation to add cement with the goals to smooth out the floor and fix cracks as well. This took most of the afternoon, up until about 3pm. Since we had finished our work early, we played a couple of games until our depature from the school at 4pm. After we got back to the home, the group had about an hour of downtime until a CAP meeting at 5. After the meeting ended, the group had more downtime until dinner at 6. Dinner was nachos loaded with beef and beans. After dinner we had our nightly meeting here where we recapped our day and prepared for our second day of our CAP. We are very excited to work again tommorow!

Lots of love – Leo and Nick
