Hello Everyone!

This is the June 14th LDD’s Oviya and Kahlan, today was the second day of our CAP (Community Action Project). As usual, we started the day off by waking up bright and early at 7 AM. A lot of people were tired from yesterday’s CAP activities but we all tried to push through, and today’s breakfast certainly motivated us to do our best! After we finished the amazing breakfast, we all gathered to leave around 8:50 AM when some of Oviya’s friends surprised her with a birthday hat (which she did not wear for the entirety of the day), then proceeded on to walk to the school, where we walked in on adorable kids who recognized us! Afterward, we began our work for the day. Today we focused on cleaning the sidewalks, leveling the sidewalks, and chiseling the gym floors. And like yesterday, Don Antonio, the foreman, guided us on the work we needed to finish today. 

We were split into three groups, where we all focused on different tasks, and took turns switching jobs to make sure everyone was comfortable and took breaks to cool off and rest. The first group, like yesterday, were wheel borrowing sand to mix into the cement, the second group focused on mixing the cement and laying it down, while the third group focused on cleaning the sidewalk that led to the gym. We made sure everyone got a taste of each of the jobs, switching every 30-40 minutes. After that, it was time for lunch and we ate some great fish! Afterward, we had an hour break where we were able to rest and hang out with the rest of the kids at the school. We made new groups and switched jobs again, and while the LDDs were supervising everyone, all the little kiddos wanted our autographs!! They were all so excited to see us and we were so excited to see them! Just as we were making progress, it started to pour an hour and a half after our break, which unfortunately made us end the day earlier than planned. 

Since our day ended earlier than planned, we had extra free time and listened to some tunes! At 4 we had our CAP seminar, where we discussed the areas we needed to improve for tomorrow’s work day and drafted appreciation cards for our amazing supporters who made this trip possible for everyone. After that, we had more free time and had amazing nachos for dinner. We ended the day off by celebrating Oviya’s birthday and had an awesome dance party!! Being LDD definitely taught us the responsibility of being a leader and how to provide a good support system for the other Glimpsers in our group. It also taught us how to be more adaptable when things don’t go our way, and take every challenge that comes our way with a positive attitude. It was a really fun experience and we learned a lot from being LDDs for today! 

Tomorrow our amazing Glimpsers Alex and Elysia will be taking over as LDDs for our last CAP day! We are so excited to see them lead, and close off CAP day 3!

Signing off, 

Oviya and Kahlan 

Shoutout to Jaismeen and Daniela for giving me the best birthday present ever!!

P.S. More photos from today here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/3cp3y2t4rvFpdR6C6