Hola, Global Glimpse families and friends!

Today, I served as Lider Del Dia (Leader of the Day) to provide our glimpsers with an example of what’s to come! As a reminder, I’m Bridgett Hernandez, the Global Glimpse Leader in charge of Leadership. I will be supporting glimpsers with their role as Lider Del Dia, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones and take measured risks that’ll help them learn and grow as an individual and as a leader. I’m already seeing lots of growth within these first two days!

We have had such a busy day in Panama City and traveling to Las Tablas. Our day began with a 6:45 am wake-up call. Yes, your glimpsers woke up at 6:45 am today! We enjoyed a yummy breakfast at Niko’s Cafe, an introduction to typical Panamanian food. Afterward, our morning consisted of a city tour around Casco Viejo, the historical downtown area in Panama City.

We visited two museums: Museo de Mola and Museo del Canal and the Sacred Heart Cathedral. At the  Museo de Mola, we learned about the Guna indigenous group and their mola textile designs. It was a very interactive museum full of color and culture. Absolutely beautiful! The Museo del Canal taught us all about the construction and politics around the Panama Canal. Some information served as reminders of what glimpsers have learned in history classes but there was also lots of new information and learning.

After lunch, we embarked on our journey to Las Tablas, our new home for the next 12 days. We were so lucky and did not sit in any traffic! Glimpsers were so excited to arrive at our accommodation and quickly got situated in our new rooms. We had our first seminar in Las Tablas learned about rules, expectations, and empathy, and had some bonding opportunities. We’ve also met a lot of new people, the Health Coach, the Program Coordinator, and our amazing delegation chef! We enjoyed our first dinner at the delegation and went right into our nightly meeting to reflect on the day.

The torch has been passed on to Alba and Raquel for Day 3- Culture and City Tour Day. Their mind-reading talent really blew us away!

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading about our day,


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