Hey Friends and Family,

Today was our fourth day in the Dominican Republic and we, Tatum and Quinn, were the Liders del Dia (Leaders of the Day)! We woke up bright and early, at 7 AM, and had a breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and fruit. After breakfast, we had our morning meeting where we discussed the importance of baseball in San Pedro, specifically through an organization we planned to visit later, ImpACTA Kids. ImpACTA Kids is a foundation by Manny Acta that assists young people find a passion for education and sports with a focus on baseball. We traveled by bus to their field, arriving at 10. We met the founder’s sister, Carmen Acta, and many of the students who benefit from ImpACTA Kids. They taught us multiple baseball drills before we took our break for lunch.

We had chicken, rice, and steamed vegetables at a local diner. Then, we returned to ImpACTA Kids and played a game with some of the younger kids. It was interrupted by rain which we all enjoyed by having a dance-off with the students and our program coordinators. We began driving home at 4 but a horse blocked our bus on our way out!

Once we returned to the accommodation, we had pasta, salad, and fresh fruit for dinner. We ended the day playing cards and passed the torch to tomorrow’s Leaders of the Day!!