Buenas Buenas!

Our names are Bri, Liz, Sabrina, and Anjeli and we were the Liders del Dia! Today was a day when everyone had the ability to step out of their comfort zone and into the homes of the local people in Aquiares! This morning for breakfast we had gallo pinto, sunny side-up eggs with onions, bread, and fruit. At around 8:50 am we headed to the courts to meet some local families and break up into groups. Here are the recaps from the three groups:

Bri & Liz: We arrived at the house with Chistina our host and her niece. She asked us about dietary restrictions and told us lunch would be ready around 12-1 pm. Her niece and grandson took us on a hike around Aquiares and we went up the mountains and saw a river, waterfall, snake, and the most beautiful view of the town. This hike was 2 and a half hours by the way!! After we made our way back to her house we ate white rice, beans, omelets, chicken, fish, french fries, and salad. It was super yummy and we miss her cooking already. After lunch, we played Uno in Spanish, and a Costa Rican game called Stop. (We would have five categories and write a word depending on the letters we were given and whoever had the most points won!) After the games, we made empanadas with Christina and drank coffee. We took pictures with them and said our goodbyes. We had an amazing time!

Sabrina: Today, we were welcomed into the home of a local named Dona Amalia. In her home, we were shown the power of family and unity. We began by walking to her home and bringing her oil and some cheese for some of our activities. The first thing we did together was learn how to play a game called Rummi and then a game called Tonto. After that, we made arroz con pollo together (IT WAS SO GOOD). We continued to play some games and interact with the family. After that, we continued to fill our bellies and make some sweet bread from scratch. We met some neighbors and were visited by another one of the groups. And just when we thought we were done eating, we made some yummy empanadas. Dona Amalia made us some coffee and we got to enjoy our food. It began to rain and once we felt like we were gonna explode, we parted ways with the beautiful family we got to spend time with. We all had such an amazing time and are so grateful to have experienced all of their beautiful personalities (OMG AND EAT THEIR YUMMY FOOD)!

Anjeli: We met Pancho as we arrived at the court where we split some cheese and oil into each of the groups. We walked five minutes to Pancho and Dona Ida’s house where we were instantly greeted with open arms. Aimee, one of our Global Glimpse leaders, was also assigned to Pancho’s house which had been her second time entering their house. When we entered, we sat down in their house where we began to talk for a while as they spoke Spanish to us and it was quickly translated into English for the rest of the group. Dona Ida gathered us in her kitchen so we could begin cooking our lunch. She brought out a pan of potatoes which we mashed, vegetables that were diced, and ultimately rice and chicken with the added vegetables. Later, we learned to play a card game called Tonto after a small walk to the small church up the street. We met one of their daughters and grandsons who played card games with us and played soccer. Lastly, before we left we made cheese empanadas with a side of coffee. We took pictures to remember the great time we had with them. We miss them already!

We concluded our day by stopping at the market nearby and returning home. We took some time to debrief and compare our days, and soon enough it was time for dinner. We continued to talk and had some chicken alfredo, garlic bread, salad, and yummy fresh juice. After dinner, we had some time to fool around and get our energy out. After that, we had our nightly meeting where we all showed a bunch of BIG LOVE to everyone on the trip. We’re all having such a great time getting to know this beautiful country and each other and can’t wait to see what the rest of this trip holds for us!

  • BIG LOVE to all! – Bri, Liz, Sabrina, & Anjeli <3
