Hey, it’s Arthur and Kevin! We began with an early morning to prepare for the day. When the clock struck 7:30 am, we took a stroll to the base house to wake up our fellow Glimpsers. We waited for everyone to get ready and fully awake from their slumber for the day. We gathered everyone outside to be able to feast in the morning. The breakfast consisted of a nice French toast, some eggs, yogurt, and juicy fruits prepared for us by our extraordinarily wonderful chefs. When we finished dining we then headed up to the meeting room for our daily mental warm-up as we had a vote in which decided our future. Before Karla from the cheese farm showed up, we watched the documentary “Kiss The Ground” which talked about the important and delicate topic of soil conservation. We learned that we could use our manure to turn into soil which we could use to plant crops for a no waste cycle.

As we finished watching the documentary, we had a lovely surprise which to our shock was Karla, who we met at the cheese farm where she taught us the delicate art of cheese making without waste. In her presentation, we learned about the history of Costa Rica and its delicate stages in implementing ways to conserve the environment. Karla kept us entertained with rewards such as mamones chinos (lychee), dulces, bookmarks, and cards with animals on them. After the meeting concluded, we worked up a humongous appetite. Our meal prepared again by our lovely chefs consisted of beef fajitas, mashed potatoes, and veggies with the beverage we had wonderful homemade juices such as watermelon and passion fruit.

For the fun day our group chose…. we chose to go to Turrialba city while a select few Glimpsers decided on playing soccer on a nearby field. In Turrialba city, we explored on el transporte publico and we went into some shops, and many of us Glimpsers bought some snacks and drinks throughout the trip. While our select few of us who decided to play soccer walked throughout the local town on the path to the field as we made it onto the field we enjoyed the experience. The highlight of my (Kevin) soccer career was these three local kids who were off the stands saying “Gollazo” and “GOALLLLLLLL!!!!!” to my lovely strikes. As the rain grew stronger, we decided to head back into town and buy treats for us to be able to enjoy the movie we selected.

As the group who went to Turrialba City returned to the base house, we had a lovely reunion with the leaders and all Glimpsers. We waited until the clock ticked to 6 pm we rounded up the GG family for a nice warm meal. The main dish was arroz con siempre, which is rice and chicken, paired with some beans with a healthy handful of salad. After we DEVOURED our wonderful dish, we assembled our friends for our regularly scheduled nightly meeting. During our nightly meeting, we revisited the quote of the day and we made a discovery that it is better to be a traveler than a tourist because as a traveler we are able to fully visit the hearts and souls of the people and the culture of any community in which we travel to. As we heard and listened to the talents presented to us by our fellow Glimpser Kayden, we discovered his talent was being able to speak multiple languages such as English, Spanish, German, and Vietnamese. The next talent presented to us was from Sebastian, in which we were able to claim witness to an unbelievably crazy and superb talent which was the magic trick to split the thumb into two. We sadly had no choice but to hand over the chicken (our leader of the day torch) to the future leaders and we hope and wish them well for our future adventures.

Kevin: To my loved ones you guys better not have gone into my room and played my games or taken my money

Arthur: To my loved ones – I really miss you guys and will see you soon! I hope you all are doing well back at home.