Hello friends and family, this is Jeison posting about our first day of education and CAP (Community Action Program) discovery. Today, as I led the team through an extraordinary day, we had the opportunity to embark on the perspective of teacher as well as have an exclusive tour of the Carlos Garbay School.

We first arrived at the impactful Carlos Garbay School to be greeted by the principal. Together we saw the many facilities that the school had including their very own dentist section, classes for the physical development of those with physical and mental disabilities (having an age range from 1 month old babies to 40 year old adults), and even an auditorium. The director of the school shared her impactful background as to why she took up the occupation of working with the disabled. Our team also went to the CAP farm where a collection of therapists, psychologists, and families band together to offer an abundance of products. The CAP partnership influenced us as we learned of their commitment and dedication to their jobs, whether it’s working with children or planting tomatoes in a greenhouse.

After this luxurious tour we traveled to the Maldonado School, having prepared our english lessons for our selected classes. Personally, teaching at the Maldonado School was a life changing activity. Although not all classes were full, I had a reality check of how education is not always accessible to all and how much it could mean to people in countries like Ecuador. Our team was shocked at the ambition and urge that sprouted from the students as they also transcended the language barrier and made an effort for change.

Being the Leader of the Day, I felt extremely proud of the effort and encouragement that our group presented towards our activity today. As a leader with many expectations, I strived to be the best in instructing our group to upgrade and grow, interacting with everyone and trying to always be on track of time; it was an eye-opening task that showed me the importance of commitment, courage, and compassion. I personally learned how essential opportunities are when they are given to me, and how collaboration and communication are what works best to turn a simple activity into a key lesson in life.