What a super exciting day!!! Our topic was “Global Business and Working Like a Local”. Today was full of learning and understanding about how farmers work in the fields of Constanza. We visited a large greenhouse and got to see how crops of bell peppers, tomatoes, beans, and cucumbers are grown, harvested, and sold. An interesting fact that we learned is that the vegetables are usually sold outside of Constanza because more money can be made. After our amazing visit to the greenhouse, we returned for a delicious lunch provided by the staff at Dilenia Hotel in Constanza. After lunch, we went to visit World Agro Marketing Dominicana, Zona Franca Especial, where we were able to experience working hands-on alongside the workers teaching us the process of how the cucumbers are prepared. We were taught how to clean, cut stems, and select the “best sizes” of the cucumbers for shipping and packaging. This company works specifically with mini cucumbers that are shipped to the States. As leaders of the day Kenneth and I (Eva) learned a lot about ourselves and the power of working as a team. We found strength in supporting one another and balancing responsibilities in our roles as Liders del Dia (LDDs) and co-leaders to help make our day successful. What a great day!