**DISCLAIMER FROM GGLs: yesterday, Glimpers learned that Costa Rica does not have a military. Today’s LDDs took that to heart and decided it would be fun and creative to take on the role of CR’s military for the day. It was all lighthearted fun and very entertaining for us to watch **

Hola! This is Sergeant Calvin and Sergeant Martin. We woke up the soldiers at 6:50 a.m. We took our military morning walk around the perimeter of the base, showing respect for our farm life. There were some defiant soldiers, but soon they broke (JK). For our morning meal, we consumed rice, beans, fruit, eggs, bread, and fruit juice. This was the proper way to start a long morning. We traveled to the coffee plantation and learned about the history of coffee and how the local community members make a living from their resources. Learning about the story of how coffee came about and how Costa Rica utilizes it made our fellow soldiers understand the importance of global businesses. We also admired how coffee bean collectors work firsthand at such a high altitude, accompanied by the natural beauty of the mountains.

After our rendezvous back to the base for a delicious pasta lunch, we traveled to Finca La Florita (a dairy farm) and discovered how local businesses impact the city of Turrialba. We saw all of the hard work they put into their craft, only making the best, not just for the money but for the people and environment! Being patient with the cows and plants to produce the purest results. Some of our soldiers got to milk the cows and use the milk to make fresh artisanal Turrialba cheese. Some of them did better than others…. Concluding the day, we returned to the base house and enjoyed everything those cows had to offer (aka we had hamburgers and cheese for dinner)!

  • Sergeant Calvin and Sergeant Martin