Hey all, it’s Analysa and Zoe!! Welcome back to our YouTube channel. Thanks for subscribing and tuning in till the end. Today we finally got to sleep in after our long weekend of CAP. We started the morning at 8:00 for our final collab. Our private chef Diego made us a delicacy of banana pancakes, with egg, and an exotic side of colorful fruits. We gathered all the influencers in our VIP lounge for a morning meditation/brand meeting. The task at hand for our fellow influencers was handwriting letters to our supporters and fans to thank them for their contributions, as well as packing to prepare for our move back to San Jose. Make sure to tune in tomorrow for that update. We enjoyed a lovely Costa Rican meal of casado for lunch (rice, beans, chopped vegetables, sweet plantains, and pork for protein), which was prepared by our wonderful chef Diego and his team. Once lunch was finished, we were delighted to have the opportunity to watch a documentary regarding the importance of efforts to save the Earth. Some of our fellow collaborators gathered together for a quick, group nap time. Once we were refreshed, we were blessed with the opportunity to welcome our next collab, Carla (who you might remember from a previous episode in which we visited her cow farm and made cheese (I may have made mine a bit too salty oops (Analysa))). Carla taught us all about environmental conservation and we even did some fun activities and trivia. If you’re wondering who won best influencers (trivia), it was us!! Duh. After saying goodbye to Carla and thanking her for all her knowledge, we once again got the opportunity to touch back with the home base. If you didn’t receive a call… welp. For our final meal at our beautiful villa, we had hamburgers (ironic after learning about cows and being eco-friendly). Next on the agenda is a humble trip to the theater (our patio and projector) to enjoy a stress-free night with nothing other than The Conjuring 2!

Make sure to like and subscribe and don’t forget to leave a comment down below!! Signing off, your favorite influencers Analysa and Zozo