What would you do living on a dollar a day?
Well, here’s our story.
The day began at the early start of 6:15 in the morning. Our groggy bodies rolled out of bed and walked to the comedor to receive the traditional Gallo pinto breakfast (aka rice and beans). Right after breakfast we loaded not only ourselves onto the bus, but also the premade lunches we would sit and share with the different families in the community we were headed to.
We stepped out of the bus and were instantly met with friendly smiles amidst the emerging community. Each student was sent to a certain family in the community while accompanied by a friend or two. The families surpassed the definition of hospitable and instantly treated us as if we were a part of their own. From our (Ariana and Michelle) personal experience, we connected with our family through different means such as dances, family photos, and similarities in cultures. Touring and experiencing the community gave a whole new perspective to our understanding of poverty.
The private bus rides there and back never failed to entertain everyone around, especially after the heart wrenching goodbyes in the community. We got thatUptown Funk on the way back home with Bruno Mars along with Pharell to make us Happy.
Later in the day we went on to our usual weekday English tutoring. Again, we grew connections with our students and even invoked a sense of closer community after seeing a few of them around town. To end the intermediate English tutoring class with a selfie was definitely another addition to gain a closer bond with our students.
“How does community help improve circumstances?” was our question of the day.
Throughout our day, we gained a new light on the definition of community. Seeing all the families treating their neighbors and their global glimpse guests as family, aided in the positive spirit despite their circumstances.
Sounds like a life changing experience for you all. Jasmine we can’t wait to hear all about it when you return. Poverty is so sad. Stay well. Love you.
I appreciate hearing how you are all learning and growing from this experience. Nice pictures with the kids and families in the community. Take joy and pride in what you’re all doing there.
What an experience you all are having. Can’t wait to hear more about this from you Jenyse and Josette. And it’s so good to see you up close in one of the pictures Josette. I miss seeing your beautiful face. Can’t wait to see pictures of you Jenyse. Luv you both!
Really interesting update. And two just great photos.
But I can’t tell if your group ended up actually living on just $1 for the day? Did all your food and bus rides and such only cost a dollar total?
Miss you a ton Dylan. Get yourself into a couple more of these photos…!
Sounds like an experience you will always remember. You’re all making wonderful memories.
Great photos! Glad to see everyone is still getting up early, working hard yet having so much fun and learning so much. Can’t wait to see Ariana on Friday night to hear all about it.
What an amazing experience and opportunity to see how other countries/communities go day by day. I am sure that you all made a wonderful impact, not to mention all the friends you made there and coming back home. Looks like you were giving a Hula dancing lesson. I love it. Can’t wait to see you Ariana so we can hear all about it, see pictures and what experiences you had. So, so proud of you and everyone for traveling and seeing other sites. Thank you to Global Glimpse for putting this together and making us parents happy to be able to see how our kids are doing by sharing this amazing website.