We made it safely to Panama! Today was a busy day of travel, but we still managed to get a lot of interesting stops in. After packing the bus we headed to breakfast at Niko’s Cafe, where some of us tried bistec, a breakfast steak dish, and prepared for our journey.

A short ride later, we stopped at Panama’s Biomuseo, where we learned about the country’s ecological diversity. The tour continued to our final destination in Chitré, our home base for the trip, where we unpacked and ate dinner. Our nightly meeting was filled with appreciation for students and staff alike.

Even though we have only known each other for a few days, we are beginning to feel like family. We are excited to share the trip’s experiences, learning, and growing together.

Click here to see pictures of today’s adventures!

Big love!

Lanissa and Jeromie, Global Glimpse Leaders

Kathryn, Abigail, Noah, and Addison at an interactive learning station at the Biomuseo!


Max and Leo looking at the aquarium exhibit at the Biomuseo!


A photo of the entire group at the Biomuseo!