Hello my name is Sasha,

A little bit about myself is that my favorite colors are pink & brown, I have a kitten named Sadè who is 8 weeks old. I’m the middle child with an older brother & younger sister. I absolutely love going out with my friends & brother to new food places. I have a collection of photos I take with things that I think look beautiful. I love anything music-related, poetry/art related & learning more about other people. I applied for Global Glimpse because I want to not only gain a new learning experience but being in a country not familiar to me and being surrounded by others who I am not familiar with also excites me. Learning more about other cultures and places allows me to open my horizon more about how others live their day-to-day lives outside of my own. I am most looking forward to improving my social skills, leadership abilities & communication skills!

a photo i took walking with my friends 🙂