Hello everyone!!!

Yesterday the Glimpsers arrived in Costa Rica !!!

After many days of preparation, everyone finally arrived at the beautiful destination to start our journey together.

The Glimpsers arrived safely and on time to our destination, after the airport and introduced ourselves we drove from San José capital to Turrialba, in the central Atlantic side of the country, surrounded by mountains and green hills.  We stopped to enjoy a yummy Costa Rican lunch and our students tried their first “ Casado “ which is a traditional Costa Rican dish with rice, beans grilled chicken, and salad. They loved it and right after that, we drove to our final destination.  Rain came through but our experienced driver Enrique, took us safely to our base house, Siloé!

The lovely staff from Siloé received us with a very delicious dinner, buffet style, after we settled in their rooms the students finally got to bed!

We just started our adventure, stay tuned…

Greetings from Costa Rica!
Alejandro and Maria