Today we woke up early at 6 am. Then we  had breakfast at 7 am to get ready for a lengthy bus ride. We arrived at 12:00 to the new place we are going to be staying at for the night. After we selecting our beds and walked around the place we got on another bus. We arrived at ASCALA, a nonprofit organization dedicated to help immigrants that struggle living in the Dominican Republic. One of the people presented their story and the reason why these immigrants are in need of help. He told us his personal story about the racism that Haitians experience and faced in the Dominican Republic. Another worker thankfully took us to a sugar cane field. Where we saw that the unfair conditions of the workers there like not getting paid with money but just  poor housing and food. If these workers get sick or injured they lose a place to sleep and their food. They even may lose their jobs entirely. Then we saw how the workers cut and chew the sugar cane. Finally after a long hot day we were able to come back to the place. Since there was a pool there we all got in and had fun playing around. Next we had dinner, where after some people dance, some sang, and some played with cards. Overall, the impactful things that we learned today, we enjoyed being able to understand more about what an immigrants life in the Dominican Republic is like.


Thank you mom and dad for talking to me on the phone. Brother and la vecina hopefully mom has told you everything about what I have done and thank you guys for dropping me off. You gave me the courage to continue to work even if I got a little emotional afterwards. I have been doing amazing and living in a huge place a little a way from the city. The house is nice and I even got a haircut here with friends. I hope you aren’t missing me too much since I’m going to be back soon. See you later love you

  • Diego Lopez


hi mom and dad, I miss you both a lot and I can’t wait to see you. im finally eating my fruits and vegetables on this trip so I’m being healthy. Love you!

-Zoe glass