WE FINISHED THE CAP PROJECT!!! The CAP Project that we created was trying to build a new and improved park for the community. Today, we completed the gazebo, reinstalled the carousal, made monkey bars, and added more gravel and sand to the parts that the children run around and play on. Additionally, we painted the gazebo, monkey bars, and slide as well as painting hopscotch on the sidewalk outside the park.

After completing our CAP we gave the entire community BIG love. One thing that will stick with us forever is when one of the mothers said, “You all made our dreams come true. We will never forget the amount of time and energy you all put in.”  This made us feel very open minded and encouraged us to do more for others from here on out. Then while packing up to leave the mothers and the community surprised us in their community center. They wrote us a message as well as gave us refreshments. It was a very emotional yet heartwarming time.


After quickly coming to the hostel we began to get dressed for the graduation. The graduation was fun, but a sad moment for us and our students because it was our last time actually seeing them before we head back home. They were very appreciative of our energy and our time working with them to learn our language. Seeing the students faces will have an impact on us forever, and reminded us that doing things for others will benefit both them and us. This will make us more appreciative towards the things we know back home!