Hey friends! Gee, I don’t know where to start because ever since I applied, I’ve been so excited! I currently attend Irvington High School in Fremont, CA and 3 other amazing friends from my school are also on the same trip! Some things I enjoy doing include playing tennis and basketball, watching basketball (Let’s go Warriors! #dubnation), listening to all types of music (EDM, Hip-Hop/Rap, Pop, you name it!), and simply just being an outgoing, friendly person! Global Glimpse has been one of the biggest things I have been looking forward to since I entered high school. When my sister, Felicia, came back from her amazing trip to Matagalpa back when Global Glimpse was first introduced at my high school, she told me all about her unforgettable experiences and I knew that was what I looked forward to in high school. I can’t wait to see all of you who are on my trip in a couple of weeks once we depart from American soil. 🙂