Hello! This is Gina and Azalya writing the last entry for the last day of JA2B’s trip to Jarabacoa. Whilst bittersweet, today was a reminder of all our hard work and dedication throughout this whole trip. Most importantly, we were reminded of the experiences and lessons that have shaped us.

The day started at 6:30 AM for some, like me Gina, who went on a run throughout the neighborhood that we’ve called home for the past two weeks. It was refreshing to choose to be active, even when the rainy weather willed us to do otherwise. After the rewarding run, breakfast was served with a side of trivia about us, Gina and Azalya. This trivia included zodiac signs, pet cats, and who they missed most.

Afterward, we split apart, some to pack, some to reflect, and some to play Bananagrams. Lunch was served with more trivia — this time about our trip. This included questions that reflected on our experiences, the communities we’ve visited, and rules that we’ve oathed to follow. After lunch, the beloved safari bus came to usher us to a gorgeous waterfall tucked in the lush mountains. Although there were lots of steep stairs and bugs, the view made the struggle worth it. Some climbed up dry rocks to gaze at the rushing waterfall from afar, whilst others braved the rocky riverbed to sit directly underneath the water. We even shared the space with visitors from Ohio! Those who dealt with prickly rocks under their feet were compensated by the pretty alcove dressed in plants directly beside the waterfall. It was a sight to behold

On the way up, the sound of crashing water bid us goodbye and the trees waved farewell. Amongst our conversations, the birds joined along. At the top, we climbed back into the safari bus that subsequently got stuck. Giancarlo, Naldo, and some kind strangers pushed it out as we cheered them on. On the road back, we met our Ohio friends who were too slow on the road. We passed them by, looked back, and spotted our original safari bus driver from several other trips. He flickered his high beam in recognition as we waved goodbye.

Smoothies were the next thing on our schedule. From mangos to pineapples, or frescas con leche with a side of lactose pills, we all sipped on our drinks happily. Whilst we, Gina and Azalya, knew the surprise to come, others were none the wiser as the group made their way back to the Hotel to change into their best clothes. Best clothes on, the safari bus came back, and it dawned on all of us that we would have front-row seats to the rain.

While the original plan was to eat at Pizza & Pepperoni, reservations were closed and it was fully packed. Therefore, the group set their sights on their competitor down the street, whose advertisements had been amusing to the group on drives prior, Getto Pizza. Some may call it a manifestation that we ended up there. Owned by someone hailing from New York City, of course, the pizza was delicious. In addition, the atmosphere was a taste of home — from pop music by The Weeknd and SZA to neon signs that lit up the place in purple hues.

After a good dinner, we rode the safari bus back for the last time. Despite the wet seats and the rainy weather, we enjoyed the air of Jarabacoa and waved our final goodbyes to the locals.

Back at the accommodation, the last nightly meeting was held, in which group ‘Big Loves’ were given and a few tears were shed. The final Unity Clap was a reference to the signature attention grabber used throughout the whole trip. Clap, clap, clap. 1. 2. 3. Global! Glimpse!

And now the plan is to freshen up, get some rest, and sing karaoke all night long. With full SD cards and memories at wait to share, we’re excited to see you all on Sunday, July 14th at 4:45 PM without delays. We will be at SFO’s United Domestic Terminal waiting with open arms and big smiles. We can’t wait to see you!

From Azalya to family, I love you all and I’m so excited to see you guys again. I have so many things to share with you! Thank you, Mami, for supporting me even from more than halfway across the country. We’ll talk more later. BTW, please bring Oro to the airport if possible lol.

From Gina to family, friends, and a special someone — I’ve missed you so much and I hope you know you’ve always been on my mind. I’ve learned a lot on this trip that I want to share and reflect on with you all. Please come and greet me in the actual terminal! I love you more than words can describe 🙂